Friday, July 24, 2015

Day Out Of Time - A Sacred Experience

                                          Taken from

Today, the 25th of July, is the Day Out Of Time in the Mayan Calendar. It is the day that Dr. Masaru Emoto, the wonderful teacher, dedicated to helping us understand the Water Element, asked us to dedicate to healing the waters of the world.  

Why Day Out Of Time? It is based on the 13 moon calendar which has 364+ days. And today is the day of No Time according to the Mayan people. The next day, 26 July is the New Year.

Many people believe that on this day, Time is fluid and the veils are thin. Many dedicate today to silence, prayer, meditation and visioning a new Earth.
                                                       Taken from Wikipedia
I knew nothing of this day until last year on the 25th of July, when I was with my dear friend Michele Roberts (who has her Bio Energy Reading Practice at Anamaya, London)  at the Chalice Wells, in Glastonbury. We had climbed the Tor (hill) that morning and strolled over to the Chalice Wells to enjoy the gardens and the beautiful energy there. It was a momentous trip that we had taken through Scotland and now this the second leg, in England. It was here in the garden that I was told "It is Complete". What was complete? The information was and is still being revealed.

I then walked further up to the actual Chalice Well itself and found a group of people sitting around it, complete with a young man playing crystal singing bowls. I sat down and meditated for awhile. Someone stood up before noon and explained what day was and its significance. 
                                                                             From the web
I was stunned! Spirit had brought us (including the Andara Crystals) there to be a part of this experience and to add our love and healing energies to the collective. I felt deeply humbled. And then absolutely grateful. 

I had the strongest feeling that I should get up and find my travel companion. I had to go but it was minutes before noon and everyone there was already in a prayerful and meditative mood. I had no choice, I stood up and walked out, picking up speed past the wall of the enclosure where the Well is. I heard my name called softly and saw Michele sitting on a bench right beside the wall on the left of the path and ran to her. I sat down and whispered to her the significance of the date and time and the purpose of the group. We then closed our eyes and meditated. I sent love, gratitude and gold light deep into all the waters of the world.  

Glastonbury Tor and the Chalice Wells are deeply connected and are at the Heart Chakra of England and Terra, our planet. These are two of several physical natural structures carrying the energies of the Lingam and Yoni. These two, together, hold the frequency for the re-balancing of the Sacred Masculine and Divine Feminine polarity of the planet through the Heart of the World. 

There is more….. ah yes, another time!

So please dedicate your prayers and meditation today to healing the waters of the world and everyone and everything on this planet. We are all part of the intricate web of infinite love and light. WE ARE ONE! Much love to you this day with all my heart, Karen Lara Joy

        The Lion's Head Spout at Chalice Wells with the magical Lion's Heart Andara Crystal that revealed its Lion's Face in this photograph!

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Free Oracle Readings

I AM doing 3 free Oracle readings every Friday everyone!!  I forgot to put that up here!!!  OMG!!

Please visit my Facebook Page below which is linked to my newly renamed page, Karen's Andaras.  You can click here  I call it the "3 For Free on Friday"!  I like to think it is catchy … ;)

I do different Oracle decks every week.  The one picked for this week is the gorgeous Archangel Oracle Deck by Doreen Virtue.

I just love the art and the lovely energies of the Archangels.  These loving supportive energies provide clarity, greater freedom from illusion and often guidance on next steps.

Oracle Cards and Tarot Cards are wonderful ways of connecting with the Guidance of our Creator and our Higher Selves or I AM Presence.  I have been a big fan of oracle decks for the longest time.

In the last 2 to 3 years I have to say that I have become a fan of the Tarot.  Here we deal or work with Archetypes and Archetypal energies which are truly Universal.

Life is a grand design and we are all of us part of the intricate pattern.  

So if you have a question you would like answered, I will do my best to assist you if you would head on over to my Facebook Page.  See you on the other side!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

My New Website

 Hello Beautiful People!

My friends have been encouraging, poking and prodding me to set up my own website to not just sell my Andara Crystal Jewelry but to have a web presence for my services.

And it has finally happened.  I put my er ... pedal to the metal and I hammered out my first new website which you can find at

I was so surprised to find this picture on a free weebly website.  As it came with the website layout I was looking for, I just had to have it!  Do you like it?

This website is about the services I provide and also talks a little about the Andara Crystals that I work with.  This also allows me the opportunity to put my events and workshops out there.

Even getting this first website out was an adventure in itself!  It took me ages to figure out how to set up the website and one proper healing session with the Andara Crystals!!!  (Okay .... I should have done said healing session with them sooner!!!)

Of course, now that I have figured it out ... duh! it seems so simple!  I am certain that you young things out there will have no trouble with it!  Yes, you can teach an old dog new tricks ... it may just take a little longer.  Perseverance and a session with the Andara Crystals was needed in my case.

Please do check it out and tell me what you think!

And yes, with Andara Crystals, blocks are removed - even when it comes to technology!  These are little miracles!

So have a great week ahead.  I will be putting my best foot forward and working on my other website KLJ Andara Jewelry ... wish me luck!

Lots of love from my heart to yours,
Karen x

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Love Actually ….

… is actually more than just the emotion of love.  The love between people can be beautiful and often is.  It can also become warped and a bargaining chip between people.  It can become co-dependent and unhealthy.  Often times what we see is not love unconditional but a far less beautiful thing based on people taking action to do things for each other thinking it is 'out of love' but are really just buying love.  I have been guilty of it, without realising it of course.  

A friend of mine and I had a long conversation predicated on his proposition that "If you love someone why can't you do this thing that this person wants coz it would make them happy, out of love as that is the point of disagreement between you two?"

The 'thing' is a deeply personal thing. My point at the time was, what if the thing that this person wants you to do goes against your beliefs or your chosen career or lifestyle choice? Would you do what they want anyway out of 'love'? Is that what loves requires?

In a text, he further said,(with a few changes it is reproduced here): So there is the thing... here is what u need to consider... the one last thing that IMHO is the final block for so many people on this spiritual journey that we are on...
There is no sacrifice of YOUR freedom or happiness...

happiness/freedom is somehting no one can ever take from you... and something that you can have NO MATTER what the your circumstances... if it makes ... So and so .... happy if you did those things... it should also make u happy 

These are just food for thoughts

I spent days mulling over this.  Polling friends on Facebook, calling spiritual teachers and talking to other friends.  

Talking about it is one thing and everyone had an opinion.  In the end it seems that most people shared the same perspective:  "It all depends on you and what love is to you."

Later after much soul searching, this is what I wrote in my Facebook post : After an intense several days of introspection and discussion with some of my dear friends, I came to the conclusion that each person's journey is different. Each person's truth in any matter is personal to them. The act of loving and being love in a given set of circumstances is not the same for each person or in each situation. Happiness is fleeting and we each of us have the keys to our own happiness. No one outside of ourselves can make us happy. To think that we alone have that ability to make another happy is not being loving but arrogant. Being fully present to each situation provides us with the answer as to what is right for us. No one outside of us can determine what is right action for us. 

Two people facing the exact same situations may take different actions and both of them would be 'right' if that answer comes from love, including self-love. If we do something to 'make the other happy' and it doesn't arise out of love (which is really much more than a feeling), we may be doing them a disservice. It may be that the other person needs to learn self-love and not rely on someone else to make them happy and by simply 'doing something to make them happy', we could be taking away what they need to experience to grow. The test to know if you have made the correct decision is if you feel at peace. It is the peace that surpasses and goes beyond all understanding. Namaste

As to the second part of my friend's proposition, maybe it is true for some and maybe it is  not for others.

What I know is that if you are aligned with your Truth, you will take the path of Joy and you will be where you need or want to be.  

Namaste, babe!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Happy Full Moon January 2015

Happy New Year!  

It is already the first Full Moon of 2015!  Woo hoo!!

Our very first test of the year is coming up this full moon which is on the 4th/5th January. It is a Cancer Full Moon and comes with a basket of goodies set up to get us to clear out our 'house'. Karmic lessons not dealt with will be coming up big time. Also there will be the tendency for excess and 'letting it all rip'. Be aware of thoughts and emotions as they arise. 

The overaching energies of this year 2015, is '8'.  For the last 2 months of 2014, every time I would think of 2015, I would see the 'Strength' Card of the Tarot, which is the 8th card of the Major Arcana.  

The frequencies of the 'Strength' Card are moving in, in a major way.  In this card you can see the Goddess-like figure gently closing the mouth of the Lion.

Now more than ever, the gentle loving energies of the Divine Feminine within us all can be harnessed and channelled to overcome the ego's need for aggression and mindless passion. Masculine and Feminine Energies are coming into balance. The time is now.

Call on the frequencies of the Strength Card of the Tarot to help you move through this time. 

For more details on this Full Moon you can go to the

I know I haven't been blogging about my beloved Andara Crystals …. I will.  There just seems to be so much to say.  Plus I will be coming up with my own website soon.  Meanwhile though, I would ask that those of you who have Andara Crystals to meditate with them and if you have them in pendant form to wear them too.  They will be a huge help in keeping you steady and calm.

So take a deep breath, keep calm and keep on dancing!

And as always wishing you Great Love, Great Peace, Great Joy!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

The Heart of Scotland, The Yew Tree of Fortingall

I had an interesting, sometimes gloriously extraordinary, sometimes scary and bewildering adventure in Scotland over the summer.
This picture of me was taken outside the walls of the enclosure where the Fortingall Yew tree is located. The Andara crystals of course brought me there. I was obsessed by the idea of visiting it without even knowing why …. until I got there. 

And then the mystery unfolded.

This sacred tree is right in the very heart or centre of Scotland which happens to be the Heart Chakra of Scotland (it is literally where the major leylines of Scotland cross).

It whispered its ancient secrets to me.  It wasn't the first time I had made a pilgrimage there … though it was the first this lifetime.

I had cried out to it with tears in my eyes, "What do I do now? What do I do?"

It replied softly, "Pilgrim! Pilgrim! You go on. You just go on." No doubt it had said the same thing to many many hundreds of thousands of people who had over the millennia (around 5 thousand years to be true) made the trek to this most ancient and sacred shrine.

I felt a deep sense of love for the tree, a feeling that I had come home to it. I hadn't wanted to go anywhere else really. I had just wanted to stay in the shadow of its branches or at the very least within sight of its lush and healing foliage.

But as with all pilgrimages, this wasn't the final destination but a mere pit stop to replenish, in this case, to heal my wearied soul and mind.

And so with a deep sense of sadness, I bid it adieu.

My dear friend who accompanied me on this journey said I had visited it before in much more trying and dire circumstances and it was a good thing that this time it saw us arrive in a Mercedes Benz! LOL (Apparently I had been crawling the last time!!!)

The secret it whispered to me will stay with me for now until I unravel its mystery …. and who knows? it may be the subject matter of another post??

This journey to the Sacred Yew Tree of Fortingall Scotland though was a great reminder that we are all pilgrims on earth. That we put on the cloak and garb of this third dimensional reality. We journey seeking the divine and in so doing, find divinity within all things and within ourselves.

At the Fortingall Yew Tree, the very Heart of Scotland

Sunday, November 3, 2013

New Moon in Scorpio & Solar Exclipse

Wow! It has been an intense week.

The old is re-visited, re-surfacing as it does, with Mercury, that naughty ol' trickster, making its backward trek across the heavens, to ensure that what needs doing is done with the discipline of Saturn.  Yes, with Saturn in the picture, there are no free rides and no coasting.  Sadly!

Old habits which do not serve need to be jettisoned into the fires so that when we emerge Phoenix like out of the fires of this Solar Eclipse in Scorpio, we are ready to take on the new self that we have been wanting to create and be.  Isn't that wonderful?

I understood that the past will not have the power to hold us back unless we intend it to.  This Solar Eclipse truly gives us the power to shed the old and embrace the new, well, like the Phoenix!

It is an opportunity to shift into a new reality, new way of being.

If you have taken the opportunity during this New Moon to do some manifesting work, or creative visualisation of what you want to make happen for you, expect the process to be accelerated as the energies of the Eclipse catapult your intentions into being.  If you have not yet done so, the energies of this Eclipse will continue for the next couple of days which gives you an opportunity to take advantage of them still.   Focus as well on joy, love, peace, harmony, beauty, abundance, sweetness, whatever you want to be, feel and experience more of.

Stay open to new information and knowledge in the coming days to help you in your shift, your transformation, your new way.

We are precious and beloved of our Creator, our Father/Mother God.  We are loved more than we know.

Much love and blessings from me to you too.